

Over 21 combined years experience balanced to your needs and levels of pressure.
1st time client- 60min - $35
45min Treatment Massage - $45
60 min - $65
90 min - $95
 * 4 Pack - $240 ($60 each)
* 8 Pack - $440 ($55 each)

Specialty Massage
Fascial Tissue Release
treats many types of back, shoulder, leg, arm
and neck pain. Relives many issues no 
matter whether it's a current injury
or from childhood. 
Also reverses, almost instantly, sprains and strains of any muscle!
Most aliments are relieved within 4 appointments.
$45- 45 min session
*Please note: this is a short but somewhat painful technique, a majority of people can breathe through the tissue movement*

Runners Care
Massage and stretching specific to runners
30 min - $45
60 min - $75

Massage w/ Doterra Oils
Essentials oils tailored to your needs
add on - $5

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