
  • Cameo is an amazing therapist! She is worth every penny. She came highly recommended from my chiropractor and he was right. He sent me to her even over his own therapist. I feel better after one massage with Cameo than I have with all the pain medication that my doctors have had me on.Kristy G.

  • During my over zealous remodeling/painting project I found myself dealing with impingement in my right arm causing numbness and tingling anytime I used my arm. The discomfort was significant with the pain impacting sleep and daily activities. After doing a little study on my own I realized this was not going to go away on its own. After my first session with Cameo the improvement was amazing! My massage was different from others I have had but the situation was different for me. It was clear to me that Cameo understood this and the treatment specifically addressed my concerns. The pain in my arm didn't happen overnight so I do not expect it to be healed over night and I am looking forward to my next theraputic massage! I have also had the opportunity to experience massage from Christine. This is a powerful team of talented therapists that together can help anyone achieve a renewed sense of well being. Lauri C.

  • I injured my neck doing sports a month ago, at first I thought it was just a simple pulled muscle, so I went to Cameo for a massage. As Cameo helped me working out the tightened muscles in my neck and my shoulders, I addressed the concerns about the pain is also reaching down to my arm, and sometimes causing spasms. Immediately she determined that there is more than just a pulled muscle, and most likely I got a nerve pinch that can’t just be worked out with only massages, and recommended me to a certified chiropractor for a checkup. Sure enough, the injury triggered a flare up in my neck which has arthritis that I didn’t know about. Thanks to Cameo’s knowledge and understanding of my concerns, that I was able to have my arthritis treated before it does more damage to my neck. Now that flare up is reduced, I will definitely go back to Cameo for massage treatments to promote faster recovery. Eric L.

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